
Sunday 27 September 2015


CTET Solved Question Paper 2015 (Paper– I Sept. 2015)
Part-I (Child Development and Pedagogy)
1. The period of infancy is:                                           
(1) birth to 1 year
(2) birth to 2 years
(3) birth to 3 years
(4) 2 to 3 years
Answer : (3)
2. According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the  ______  stage of cognitive development.
(1) Preoperational
(2) Formal operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Sensorimotor 
Answer : (1)

3. Development proceeds from _____ to ______.
 (1) general    --  specific
 (2) complex    --  hard
 (3) specific  --   general
(4)  simple  –  easy
Answer : (1)
4. When adults adjust to the assistance they provide to facilitate progression of the child from current level of performance to potential level of performance, it is called :
(1) Proximal development
(2) Scaffolding
(3) Participatory learning
(4) Collaborative learning
Answer : (2)
5. The process of changing the existing schemas to include new information is called :
(1) Adaptation
(2) Assimilation
(3) Accommodation
(4) Egocentrism
Answer : (3)
6. In middle childhood, speech is more _______ rather than _______.
(1) egocentric , socialized
(2) socialized, egocentric
(3) animistic, socialized
(4) nature, immature
Answer : (2)
7. The child centred education involve :
(1) hands on activities for kids
(2) children sitting in a corner
(3) learning in restricted environment
(4) activities that do not include play
Answer : (1)
8. The class teacher  observed Raghav in her class playing melodies self – composed music on his keyboard. The class teacher thought that Raghav seemed to be high in ______intelligence.
(1) Spatial
(2) Bodily – kinesthetic
(3) Musical
(4) Linguistic
Answer : (3)
9. When a teacher considers boys as naturally better at mathematics than girls, it shows that the teacher is :
(1) Ethical
(2) Gender biased
(3) Moralistic
(4) Right – minded
Answer : (2)
10.  Inclusive education assumes that we should change the ____ to fit the ____.
(1) Child / system
(2) System / child
(3) Environment / family
(4) Child / environment  
Answer : (2)
11. Children have the potential to create knowledge and make meaning. From this perspective the role of a teacher is that of a:
(1) Negotiator
(2) Communicator and Lecturer
(3) Facilitator
(4) Director
Answer : (3)
12.  Which one of the following is not a characteristic of gifted children?
(1) Higher order mental processes
(2) High self efficacy
(3) Below average mental processes
(4) Solving problems insightfully
Answer : (3)
13. According to the pre – conventional   level of Kohlberg’s theory, to which of the following would an individual turn when making a moral decision ?
(1) Potential punishment involved
(2) Personal needs and desires
(3) Individual values
(4) Family expectations
Answer : (1)
14. Regarding learner’s individual differences, the teacher should :
(1) Provide a variety of learning situations.
(2) Solve the problems based on deductive method.
(3) Most of the time use algorithms.
(4) Provide facts to students to memorize them.
Answer : (1)
15. Which one of the following is not the principle of child development?
(1) All development follows a sequence.
(2) All areas of development are important.
(3) All development results from an interaction of maturation and experience.
(4) All development and learning proceed at an equal rate.
Answer : (1)
16.  Which one of the following would be the most effective way of conducting assessment?
 (1) Assessment should be at the end of the session.
(2) Assessment is an inbuilt process in teaching learning.
 (3) Assessment should be done twice in an academic session – at the beginning and at the end.
(4) Assessment should be done by an external agency and not by the teacher.
Answer : (2)
17.  Which one of the following is related to creativity?
(1) Divergent thinking
(2) Convergent  thinking
(3) Emotional thinking
(4) Egoistic thinking
Answer : (1)
18. Which one of the following statements about children would Vygotsky agree with?
 (1) Children learn through social interaction with peers and adults.
 (2) Children learn when they are offered lucrative rewards.
(3) Children’s thinking can be understood by conducting laboratory experiments on animals.
(4) Children are born ‘evil’ and need to be controlled through punishment.
Answer : (1)
19.  Children are :
(1) Curious beings who use their own logic and abilities to explore the world around them.
(2) Adult – like in their thinking and there is aquantitative increase in their thinking as they grow up.
(3) Like vessels in which knowledge given by the adults is filled.
(4) Passive beings who can produce exact copies of the information transmitted to them.
Answer : (2)
20.  Which of the following statements about children’s error is correct?
(1) Children commits error because are careless.
(2) Children’s errors are part of the learningprocess.
 (3) Children commit errors when the teacher is lenient and does not punish them for mistakes.
 (4) Children’s errors are insignificant for the teacher and she should just strike out the mistakes and not pay any attention to them.
Answer : (2)
21. A teacher needs to ensure that all learners in her class feel accepted and valued. To do this, the teacher should:
(1) Make strict rules and punish children who do not follow them.
(2) Look down upon children from ‘disadvantaged’ background that they feel they have to work harder.
(3) Find out students who speak ‘good’ English and are from ‘rich’ backgrounds and present them as role models.
(4) Get to know the social and cultural background of her students and encourage diverse opinions in the class.
Answer : (4)
22. Suresh generally likes to study alone in a quiet room whereas Madan likes to study in a group with his friends. This is because of difference in their :
(1) Values
(2) Aptitudes
(3) Learning
(4) Levels of reflectivity
Answer : (3)
23. India has lot of linguistic diversity. In this context, what is the most appropriate statement about multilingual classrooms at primary level especially class I and II ?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their mother tongue or local language.
(2) The schools should  admit only those students whose mother tongue is the same as the language of instruction.
(3) The teacher should respect all languages and encourage children to communicate in all of them.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use their mother tongue in the class.
Answer : (3)
24. What is meant by ‘nature’ in ‘nature nurture’ controversy ?
(1) The environment around us.
(2) Biological givens or the hereditary information
(3) Temperament of an individual
(4) Complex forces of the physical and social would
Answer : (2)
25. Mass Media is becoming a very important agency of socialization. Which one of the following is the most appropriate statement ?
(1) Media is a very good way to advertise and sell products.
(2) Socialization is done by the parents and the family only.
(3) Access to mass media is growing and mass media influences attitudes, values and beliefs.
(4) Children cannot directly interact with media.
Answer : (3)
26. How children learn ? Which one of the following Is not true with respect to this statement ?
(1) Children learn in class only.
(2) Children learn when they are cognitively ready.
(3) Children learn in a number of ways.
(4) Children learn as they are naturallymotivated.
Answer : (1)
27. Which one of the following strategies should a primary school teacher adopt to motivate her students ?
(1) Encourage competition for marks amongst individual student.
(2) Use incentives, rewards and punishment as motivating factors for each activity.
(3) Help children set goals as per their interests and support them in working towards the same.
(4) Set standard goals for the entire class and have rigid parameters to assess achievement of those goals.
Answer : (3)
28. Which one of the following is the primary agent of socialization ?
(1) Family
(2) Computer
(3) Heredity
(4) Political parties
Answer : (1)
29. Giving children group work is an effective pedagogic strategy since :
(1) it helps to reduce the teacher’s work.
(2) it allows some children to dominate the others in small groups.
(3) children learn from each other and support each other in the learning process.
(4) children will be able to do their work quickly.
Answer : (3)
30. A child with normal intelligence shows difficulty in reading and comprehending language. It indicates that the child is showing symptoms of :
(1) Dyslexia
(2) Dysgraphia
(3) Dyscalculia
(4) Dyspraxia
Answer : (1)

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